Complet Guide to Make Bitcoin – ebooks

The Art of Cryptocurrency free ebook

The Art of Cryptocurrency

The purpose of this guide is to provide ideas and information on how to use and profit from the Bitcoin which have pretty much been a topic of intense discussion over the last few years. How many times have we heard stories of people becoming overnight millionaires and, at the same time, stories of people who lost hundreds of thousands of dollars hoping to make a quick buck?


Build Your Mining Rig Free Ebook

Quick guide on building a GPU Mining Rig


This book answers the questions about “What does it mean to mine a cryptocurrency such as Ethereum?”, “How to mine with a graphics card (GPU)?”, “How to start your GPU mining business with only $100”, “How to deal with generated heat from a GPU mining rig and how to extend the life of the components?”, and “How much money does a GPU mining rig make?”. It helps you to “Choose the best GPU for mining Ethereum platform”. In short it is “A complete step-by-step guide to the hardware and software for building a GPU mining rig.”  
